Ages 7-11
Little Ruffle's Resources are available from News Literacy Lab. Whilst they are aimed at school children aged 7 to 11, they can be adapted for younger or older children. They are also work well for parents and their children at home, as conversation starters for when big events hit our newsfeed and we want to better make sense of the world in a way that leaves us feeling both informed and empowered.
Through these activities, children will learn to navigate the news in a way that helps them create a more balanced, accurate and hopeful picture of the world.
What happens when kids use Little Ruffle's Resources?

Little Ruffle's Resources: The full curriculum

Aim of the activities: There are lots of people creating solutions to the worlds problems. These stories of solutions don’t always shout as loud as problems, so we need to be a little more resourceful in our ways to find them and learn from them.. Through these activities, we can develop the skills to search for solutions and be inspired by them..

Aim of the activities: Sometimes we need to see it to believe it! By learning about how problems in our past have been solved or significantly improved, it can help nurture the belief that the world can get better. By learning from progress of the past, it helps create hope for the future.

Aim of the activities: A big heart can make a big difference. By learning how other people have overcome problems and contributed to making the world a better place, it can inspire and empowerus to realise our own potential to make a difference and be a force for good in the world.

Aim of the activities: There are lots of people working hard to make the world a better place. Their actions may have helped someone you know – maybe a doctor, or helped a cause that you care about – maybe the environment. These activities will help us express gratitude to these people or groups who make the world a nicer, safer and more exciting place to live.